Monday 29 November 2010

Upping the Ante for Solicitors in Bury St Edmunds

It looks like one lucky (or farsighted) solicitors' practice in Bury St Edmunds will soon be getting the benefit of our Solicitors Bury St Edmunds website.

The benefit of a website that shows up in the first page or two of results is obvious, especially if your practice doesn't have a website at all or has one that's so well hidden it might as well not exist.

Some local firms do a great job with their websites and other online 'presence', while others don't seem to have grasped the basics. That's fine, because that's what we're here for.

Our site features on page one or two for all relevant search terms and it's top of the heap for some of them - and it's still available as I write this post...

So if you have a legal practice in Bury St Edmunds or nearby and you're not getting enquiries and clients from your website, contact us quickly and you may just be in time to get yourself a priceless place among Bury St Edmunds' highest-flying legal eagles.

We're only asking £195 per month or an amazing £1950 per year (that's two months' rental free) to get you this prized website address. There are many more people searching for a solicitor than will be looking for you by name - believe me, I've checked!

We can add your details to the existing site right away, and we can build you a site of your own if necessary (ask about prices).

But meanwhile, your practice could have a page one position today.


PS. The solicitors' website is not a thing of beauty, but it's not supposed to be. It proves the point that even an ugly site can get a good position in Google and generate enquiries and leads, as long as you know how. And we know how.

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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Bury St Edmunds Business Daily

If you look to the right you'll see we've added a new widget - giving you access to The Bury St Edmunds Business daily - an online newspaper publishing the best content contributed by people in and around Bury, plus a few big names from further afield.

The paper is in its early stages, but it's already generating a bit of a buzz. So far we've had two requests to be added to the list of contributors in the last 24 hours.

If you want to be included in The Bury St Edmunds Business Daily you first of all have to follow us on Twitter - you can use the button just above the widget - and then tell us you're in Bury St Edmunds (or, if not, why we should include you anyway).

Then just tweet some really interesting and useful stuff and you could make the front page!


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Tuesday 9 November 2010

A Little Wrinkle in Local Search

If you've ever wondered why some searches you make on Google give you local results and a map, while others don't, I'm afraid I can't really tell you, except that Google is forever trying to guess whether you want to see local results or not.

However, there are two things you can do to increase the chances of seeing a map and local business Places results. Both of them involve telling Google where you are.

Firstly, you can include your location in the search 'string', by typing in 'solicitor Bury St Edmunds' for example.

Secondly, you can tell Google your location so it assumes you want to see local results whenever you search for a service. You can occasionally do this when you do get a map, by selecting the 'change location' button if it appears.

But you can also do it another way: when you make a series of searches for services without specifying your location (this seems typically to be 5 or 6 searches), Google will eventually ask you your location in a small box at the top of the organic search results. When you type your location in here you can also ask Google (on that browser) to remember this for future searches.

From then on, you should get local search results, with a map, whenever Google detects your search is for a 'local' service (dentist, solicitor, car repairs, and so on).

It's yet another wrinkle in Google's quest to give us all what it deems to be the best possible results whenever we search its massive database.

Google isn't perfect - not by a long way - but it is very, very clever!


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Wednesday 3 November 2010

Another Google Change

The latest change from Google is definitely an improvement for online marketing professionals like Cinnamon Edge, even as it might seem like a slight backward step.

That's because the latest version of Google's Keyword Tool is more user-friendly and more accurate than the hotch-potch of versions they've had us put up with in recent months.

By removing search data relating to their content network and 'second tier' search engines like and AOL, Google now gives more conservative search estimates that are more likely to reflect the results we can achieve in the real world.

And by making the interface more user-friendly - like it used to be - they've suddenly made it the best place to start your keyword research - just like the good old days.

Well done Google, we say.


PS. We're still keeping a very close eye on Google's Local Search changes and a picture is starting to emerge.

What's interesting is where Google is getting the text snippets they use in the search results. Very often in the past this was the home page description.
Now when you look at the example below it appears they're using the first few lines of text from the home page (A) OR the first few lines from an interior page (B) OR they're not including any text at all (C).

There are more changes to come as things settle down, we can all be sure of that!

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