Sunday, 29 November 2009

Online Marketing Bury St Edmunds - Update

Our online marketing experiment continues to bring great results for us and for our clients.

One thing that regularly features on page one of Google for both Cinnamon Edge in Bury St Edmunds and The Utopia Centre in Littleport is our Gumtree ads.

Considering these are free, we'd be negligent if we didn't direct our clients towards using them.

Craigslist also produces quite good results, appearing a little lower in the listings, and consistent Twittering has so far got us as high as number two on page one, so that's a great tool, too.

That's three free tools, when used with a bit of 'savvy', that are giving us great results for Cinnamon Edge and our clients.

If online marketing works in Bury St Edmunds, in deepest Suffolk, and for our foot care professional in Cambridgeshire, it will work for your business, too!


PS. When you blog about your business remember to bookmark your blog post - we use - then 'ping' the bookmark page as well. Result: another listing on Google, maybe even page one.

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Monday, 16 November 2009

Marketing Online in Bury St Edmunds...

... brought up an obvious truth.

There are some things you can control and probably many more you can't.

Power and strength (and success) in your business will mostly come from getting the things right that you can control.

For example, which of these two things do you have most control over - the size of your market or your share of that market?

When you put it like that you see that marketing is almost always a competition. Yes, people do create new markets and markets for most products and services wax and wane over time. But on a week to week basis you're mainly competing for a slice of a pie of a certain fixed size.

It follows that for you to have a bigger slice, someone else has to have less. You have to compete with your competition. You have to do better than them. You have to market better than them. To do that you have to be more visible than them.

To do better than everyone else you need to dominate your market.

You can do that by using online marketing and then dominating the local search results.

We specialise in online marketing. In Bury St Edmunds, where we're based, very few companies take full advantage of the opportunity that online marketing offers to dominate their local market by dominating the local search. In fact, that's true everywhere we've looked.

We've proved it's possible to take all ten places on page one of Google for a local search term by doing it ourselves with Cinnamon Edge, and that's about as dominant as anyone could wish to be. Because, if we're numbers one to ten on Google, who else is on there? Yes, nobody.

Every 'organic' position on page one leads to Cinnamon Edge

No competition in sight - how good is that?

If you think that dominating your local market would be good for your business, get in touch.

We're easy to find. Just Google 'online marketing Bury St Edmunds'.


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Thursday, 12 November 2009

Online Marketing Bury St Edmunds - 12 Nov

Latest results of our online marketing test for Bury St Edmunds are a healthy seven of the top eight places on page one of Google for Cinnamon Edge related results.

This is the result of using web 2.0 properties, skillful optimisation of our own website (which is at number one), and careful strategic placement of content where we know Google likes to see it.

Search Google for what we do, supplying expertise in online marketing in Bury St Edmunds, and you won't see much on page one that doesn't link directly to Cinnamon Edge.

You can have the same sort of results for your local business, too.

How many business owners would not like those results for their business online? I can't imagine there are any!

So you know where to come - and we're pretty easy to find.


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Wednesday, 4 November 2009

More on Online Marketing in Bury St Edmunds

Two days after my previous post, our online marketing project is going well.

We've also got good news for you, if you're a business owner looking to get online or make a bigger splash. Meanwhile...

...with four places on page one of Google all to ourselves, plus another in Touch Local, Online Marketing Bury St Edmunds is beginning to look like the property of Cinnamon Edge.

UPDATE: Three days later, we have five places on page one (positions 1-4 and number 6), plus that directory listing!

While we've been overhauling the Cinnamon Edge website we've also concentrated on developing our reputation as the local online marketing specialists.

And things are looking up for you too, if you are a business owner in Suffolk or anywhere else, because we're now offering you a FREE WEBSITE. See how you can get your business online with a free website from Cinnamon Edge.

And once you have your website, naturally we'll be pleased to help you do well on Google, too.

First, grab your free website!


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Monday, 2 November 2009

The Proof of the Pudding ...

... is in the Eating.

Watch us as we optimise our Cinnamon Edge website for online marketing in Bury St Edmunds and Suffolk.

We'll do this by using the methods you can also use for your business, starting with a website SEO makeover for for that phrase 'online marketing Bury St Edmunds'.

Watch and learn!


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