Sunday, 27 December 2009

More Information for Bury St Edmunds

There's more to the Internet than marketing, as even we will be the first to agree. Primarily, the worldwide web is about information.

So we've added a couple of widgets - making this more than an Online Marketing blog - the weather for Bury St Edmunds from The Met Office and latest Suffolk news and comments from Twitter.

So, if you want the latest news or weather for the area at the touch of a key, just bookmark this page (Ctr+D) for future reference.


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Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Another Opportunity for Online Marketing Beyond Bury St Edmunds

Our foot care client, The Utopia Centre today told us they would be changing their name and moving to new premises in the new year.

Not just a new address.

Not just a new town.

Not just a new name.

But also a new county.

Which means all the success we've had so far in getting The Utopia Centre onto page one of Google for various search terms for Littleport, Ely, Cambridge and Cambridgeshire will now need to be repeated for the new name in Kings Lynn and Norfolk.

Are we daunted? No.

In fact, we've already started with a basic listing on Google Local Business Center, some keyword research and a load of suggestions for new domain names and website titles.

The new premises opens in early January. Our online marketing will help ensure The Utopia Centre owner, Elizabeth Dutton, will hardly miss a beat, or a client.

Watch this space.


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