Sunday, 19 February 2012

All on One Page - Our Business Book Bargains

Here's the link to our website page where you'll find all our business books, and the others we've published under the Cinnamon Edge Publishing imprint:

Go to the site and click through to read the reviews on Amazon and to download the books. They're all at bargain prices and two of them are even free.


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Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Here Are 63 Simple Ways to Save Your Business

Our latest book is now available from Amazon. Called 63 Simple Ways to Save Your Business, it's exactly that. It covers the fundamental things you probably know you should be doing (but probably aren't) and is set out in nine chapters, with seven things to do in each chapter.

At around 50 pages, it's a quick read and an absolute bargain, even if it only serves to remind you about the simple things you should be doing. But there will be some things you won't have thought of, too.

The final chapter looks at seven ways to use the 'new Internet'. Naturally, we can help you with many of the things discussed in the book. We're also available to consult and discuss on any of the ideas and techniques.

Go to the Cinnamon Edge website for more news of our latest publications and information about our services.



Monday, 13 February 2012

What 166 people Know that You Don't

At the time of writing this, which is 1.47pm on Monday 13 February, 166 people have downloaded a book that could revolutionise the way they promote their business.

And, considering the book is free for the rest of today, I expect that total to pass 200 by the time I hit the sack tonight.

That will be about 200 people who know how to use this proven method to promote and grow their business. You can know how, too, just by visiting Amazon online and downloading the Bite Size Edition of Niche Seminar Secrets. You might know the original manual sold for anything up to £197, while the ebook version, updated for 2012, retails at $9.99 (or about £6.51).

So, if you're wondering how seminars and workshops could help your business and you don't want to spend even ten dollars, download the free bite-sized version today.

You DON'T need a Kindle, by the way. Just download the free app from the Kindle store and you can view any Kindle book on your laptop or tablet.

So, you have nothing to lose and absolutely nothing to spend!


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Thursday, 9 February 2012

Why Keep it to Ourselves? Our New Business Books

I was amazed yesterday when writing a news release, to realise how many books we have published in the last few weeks. The total is eight - and that's not counting a couple of bigger projects that haven't been released yet.

That might sound like a lot of writing - although we find writing to be one of the best bits of our job - but it's more the consequence of taking action, finishing several smaller projects and making our stuff available to people. There's not a lot of point knowing all about something if you don't share it, and certainly no point writing about it and then not publishing!

So, eight books it is, and we've even updated the main blog on our website, which tends to take second place to this one much of the time, to list all our books with relevant links to Amazon and Bookboon.

That's why, when you go to our new publications page you'll find a list of all our books, while on the blog, at you'll find introductions and links to all the books, including loads of five-star reviews.

Books cover subjects like SEO (2), email marketing, running workshops and seminars (2), competitor analysis, starting a small practice from scratch, and more. There's even a book of poetry there - just in time for Valentine's Day!

Go to the blog or the publications page now and you'll get a nice surprise, too...

See you there!


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Sunday, 5 February 2012

Another Helpful Book for Business Owners - Easy Competitor Analysis

When I talk about one of the services we offer, a common response is, “Competitor analysis? What’s that and why would I need it?”

Another one I get is, “And how would I do that?”

You’ll find the answers to both questions in this book! In summary, however, competitor analysis is finding out about your competitors’ businesses and applying that knowledge to your own business.

You’ll be taken step by step through how to find out what your competitors are up to, and how you can use the knowledge to your own benefit.

You’ll be surprised at what you find out.

I’ll also show you how you can outsource some of this if you’re pushed for time.

Easy Competitor Analysis is now available from Kindle.

In addition, you get a link to the accompanying worksheets if you would like them; there’s no charge for downloading them from our website.


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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Your Best Marketing Tool - Positioning With Workshops and Seminars

Our latest Kindle book is the biggest bargain yet from Cinnamon Edge Publishing. At just a fraction of the price of the "Niche Seminar Secrets" manual, "The Complete Secrets to Seminar Success" is an updated edition for 2012, and includes the latest ways to promote your events, including using social media and webinars.

The book is invaluable whether you want to use seminars to promote an existing business or to create a new business based around workshops and events. We've found workshops and seminars have been an excellent way to position ourselves as experts and promote Cinnamon Edge, and the book also describes in detail how to build a complete business based on planning, promoting and running seminars. The system described in the book is the one used by all the most successful seminar promoters we've observed, interviewed and studied. 
The Complete Secrets of Seminar Success is a bargain for your business at just $9.99 in the US and £6.54 in the UK, including VAT. It's also available in many European countries, via their Amazon websites.


PS. You can view Kindle books on your computer or other device, using a free app, but you can also buy a Kindle from Amazon here:

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