Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Online Marketing and SEO Services

Visitors to our online Marketing Manual blog will hopefully have found the recent posts useful and informative, whether they hail from Bury St Edmunds or beyond.

So far, we've covered keyword research, the essentials of website content and starting a blog. This amounts to the beginnings of search engine optimisation, or SEO, and as a company we of course offer SEO services to our clients.

So, whether you have a website and no visitors or you have no website at all, your first priority if you want to make proper use of free online marketing is to make sure you have an effective website and visitors coming to see it.

The selection of a target keyword phrase is the first essential step with SEO, but the continued, consistent use of that phrase and related terms is the key to making it work for you in the longer term.

Part four of the course will appear soon, but meanwhile you can get up to speed with parts one to three, at http://marketing-manual.blogspot.com/.


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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Online Marketing Tips

If you've been following our recent test for online marketing in Bury St Edmunds you'll know we had amazing success with the trial - bagging all ten spots on page one of Google.

So we know how online marketing works. We also know you might like to do it yourself and a bit of free advice won't go amiss.

That's why we're running a series of articles on our Marketing Manual blog explaining the basics and some of the finer points of online marketing for your business.

So if you like the idea of promoting your business effectively online for minimal expense, using mainly free resources, head over to our Marketing Manual blog.


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