Monday, 21 January 2013

It said: "Don't use this company"

Or words to that effect.

I had a business meeting a couple of days ago and was looking at Google Maps to check how to get there when I stumbled across one of those little markers they put on the map to indicate a business location.

As I moved my curser over it a customer review popped up. The words certainly caught my eye, but they probably wouldn't be what the company's owner would want you to read about his or her business.

Basically, they said, "Don't use this company".

Curiosity aroused, I looked at their website and I have to say their products look excellent, with elegant design and high quality construction. But would I be keen to use them? Probably not.

But I wonder if they even know people are saying things like that about them.I'm guessing not, since they don't seem to be doing much to address the problem.

Now, it so happens that we have just the thing they need, and it won't cost them a penny. It's a free guide to help them manage their online reputation. They can download it from our website and so can you. You see, it's also possible people are saying things about your business that you're not aware of, but if you don't know how to find out you probably aren't too sure what to do about it, either.

That's why Jacqui put together the free guide, and why you can get it now at

In the guide you'll be shown how to easily check and monitor your online reputation and how to fix it if there's a problem, plus how to use reputation marketing to actively promote your business - for free.

Go to for your copy.


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Three Ways to Benefit Your Business

We've been busy this week at Cinnamon Edge, putting together some great deals, a free report and a free competition (cheating allowed), all designed to benefit your business.

You'll have to go to the Cinnamon Edge website to see details of all three, but this month's competition is a simple multiple-choice question, this month's offer is free to the first six people who take advantage of it (five left at the time of writing), and the free report could save your business.

The common theme - and this is something that's highly topical right now, thanks to Tesco's horse meat mishap - is protecting, defending and improving your company's reputation, especially online.

The free report tells you how to manage your reputation, the special offer means you get our help with that, for free, and the competition winner will get a month's worth of online promotion, also for free.

Why are we giving so much away? Well, obviously we want to sell our services and we think the best way to do that is to give people a sample of what we do for our existing clients. But you're free to take full advantage of our generosity (and genius) with no obligation at all.

So, what's stopping you going to Cinnamon Edge right now?

Go. Shoo!
