Thursday, 12 July 2012

Client Vacancy at Cinnamon Edge

This Wasn’t Part of Our Plan...
Due to the unexpected retirement of one of our biggest clients, we have two rather large holes to fill and we’re asking for your help in filling them:
  1. Firstly, we have a big hole in our schedules, which means we can take on another big client or possibly two or more smaller ones.
  2. Secondly, we have an equally big hole in our income! That does mean we can only take on paying clients at the moment.
So, if you know anyone who wants help with their online marketing, their website or their SEO, or with copywriting, book writing or any of the services we list on our website, please send them our way.
What’s in it for you? Well, we could say “Name your price”, but let’s just say we’ll give you some free help and advice with your marketing, a website review or a generous chunk of our (free) time as a way of saying “Thank you”.  
There’s some good news, too. On Tuesday we reached an agreement with Google Trusted Photographer Mark Swanson to supply Google Business Photography, a new service from Google that takes their brilliant Street View technology and puts it right inside your business, enabling potential customers to enter and browse your shop in a virtual 360 degree presentation that will be added to your Places page (now called Google+ Local) and the organic search results.
We have exclusive use of Mark and his Google technology to supply this service in the Bury St Edmunds area, and prices are very low while the service is so new. Get ahead of your competitors and grab a Google Business Photography deal while you can.

Contact us at about our client vacancy or the Google Business Photography opportunity. 


Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Kindle Workshop a Hit

Last week's workshop at the Self Centre was a great success. Although we'd have liked a few more people there (three people couldn't make it) the reaction of those who did attend has been universally positive.

The bulk of the day was presented by Jacqui, while I (Roy) was on hand for the first couple of hours and the last hour or so, to deal with any questions about social media and SEO, and to give Jacqui's voice a break!

The range of students was every bit as wide as we expected, from one with a more or less completed manuscript of many hundreds of pages, to one who has a book to write but felt overawed by the idea (or overwhelmed by the amount of work she imagined was involved, coupled with a lack of time). Another student is writing regularly but has yet to finish her novel. She was very excited about an alternative we suggested that will see her getting published much sooner than she thought possible.

After a look at content creation and a fascinating writing exercise - you should see what I wrote! - we covered setting up your Kindle account, editing and formatting your book(s), with some examples of how not to do it, choosing a good title, promoting your books, and more.

All in all, everyone enjoyed the day, including us, and we're still getting feedback and positive comments passed onto us via Twitter and in person.

Kindle is just one of the subjects we've covered in our workshops and our training always gets very positive reviews. We don't have another workshop scheduled at the moment but we are always happy to consider requests for training from individuals, groups or companies. Look at the wide range of marketing and writing services we offer, plus the books we've published ourselves, and you'll get an idea of what training we can supply for you or your company.

Then just get in touch!
