Tuesday, 4 May 2010

If You're Working So Hard, Why Aren't You Rich?

Dear Business Owner

If you're working hard at your business and still aren't getting rich, you need to ask yourself why.

Why are there people who work less than you but seem to make more money?

Why are there people less clever than you who seem to do better in life?

Why do you always seem to need more customers to make a living?

Why, in other words, are you working so hard and not getting the rewards you deserve?

There's a simple answer: it's because your business isn't working for you.

It could be marketing that's the problem. As a 'marketing company' you might expect us to point that out. But you could be working all hours of the day and night serving customers, in which case you really don't need any more of them!

In that case, your problems lie elsewhere. Nobody should have to work stupid, unhealthy hours unless they want to. Or unless the rewards are so great that it will be worth the sacrifice.

It's not necessary. But if you are working that hard and only just getting by (or maybe worse, not getting by) you really need to think about where your business is not working.

That's why we don't want to sell you marketing, or advertising. Or even a shiny new website or an email marketing service or search engine optimisation. All we want to do is help you find out what's wrong in your business that forces you to work so hard and not get rich.

Then maybe we'll help you implement changes and put into place systems and processes you need to put it right. Put it this way: whatever you think is wrong with your business, you're probably mistaken, or you would have put it right by now.

But you've invested emotionally in your business and it can be hard to let go of that investment, even when it makes sense to try a different approach.

You need an outsider's point of view, an objective opinion of your company. Someone who will take the emotion away from the analysis, look at the real facts behind your business and see what's really happening - or not happening as it should.

On the plus side, there's almost always at least one glaring opportunity for significant extra profits on top of the money your business should be making already, and we can often help you find that, too.

Nothing is for sale during our consultation process - not a system or a product or any of our services. Sometimes people offer to pay to secure exclusivity at this early consultation stage - we won't accept it.

Here's what we offer: we ask good questions, we listen well, we take notes, we consider all your options. We don't jump to conclusions. We consult with a mastermind group of fellow professionals who are daily adding millions of pounds to their clients' businesses. (That alone makes us worth ten times more than any 'local experts'.)

Then we get back to you to let you know if you qualify* for our help. Or we may offer you a blueprint for your business that you can implement without us. There will be a fee for this blueprint.

But we don't just sell websites.

Phone us on 01284 753912 or email roy@cinnamonedge.co.uk or jacqui@cinnamonedge.co.uk


*To qualify we like you to have been in business for a while, preferably five years. There are exceptions. You must have a viable business, a marketing budget and a willingness to make the changes we suggest.

There must be a potential for improvement. Our fees are based on the level of competition, the amount of work involved and the increased earning potential of your business.

We won't take on clients whose increased profits wouldn't easily cover our fees. We could even cut your marketing costs while making you more money, but we're not the cheapest, and for a good reason.

We ask for at least 3-6 months for our work to take effect and really help your business, although some results are likely to be much quicker.

We don't just sell websites.


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